Sensual massage, body-to-body... and more
Let's get to know each other! Minimum 2 hours
Two-stage massage
To deepen our understanding
We could chat, and the rest will follow...
Take the time to enjoy it better
It's a tasting, savoring it in advance
Cocktail dinner.
It's a romantic date...
A stroll together
A romance 💜
*2,000 per additional day
Donne moi plus
Indisponible pour le moment!
Pour toutes les envies de fantasmes, comme sur vos écrans : Positions multiples, plusieurs services, gorge profonde, S/M, fessée légère, jouet, fétiches, costumes, demande spéciale...
I travel to Europe by invitation for a minimum of 12 hours. In France, a minimum of half a day is required. In Rhone Alpes and French-speaking Switzerland, no time obligation.
Copyright © 2025 Evamassages - Tous droits réservés.
Tu vas bien dormir ce soir...